About Plans to Pedagogy

The term innovative learning environment, or ILE, is becoming commonly used to describe a school facility design that is characterized by highly flexible spaces, purposeful furniture and other learning space affordances, and ubiquitous technology. The Plans to Pedagogy (P2P) research program implements a school-based strategy for assisting teachers to develop the skills and knowledge required to more effectively use ILEs as a pedagogic tool. It seeks to investigate the processes that schools undertake to design, build, engage and fully utilise the affordances these spaces provide. This program of research seeks to answer the question:

How can school leaders and teachers effectively engage in the design, development and use of innovative learning environments?

The Plans to Pedagogy (P2P) program works with schools to implement a ‘capacity building’ program with a selection of Australian and New Zealand schools to tackle this important issue. Currently 11 P2P schools were recruited for this project in late 2017.

This Program engages with a small (up to 6) ‘spatial learning’ group of highly motivated teachers within each of these schools. Each spatial learning group works under the direct supervision of a LEaRN expert. This P2P research program will be conducted over three years, using exploratory and mixed methods research design.

To learn more, click here.